19 Years Later, Doctor Who Could Be Repeating A Surprising Companion Trick

Disney+/BBC Some , have started theorizing that Moffat can only be referring to events from “Joy to the World,” which has led to some hypothetical notion that Anita from “Joy to the World” could return in the next season. But what if it was something else? “Joy to the...

14 Years Later, The Oldest Sci-Fi Show Just Brought Back Its Most Controversial Time-Travel Trick

BBC It’s hard to believe, but prior to the post-2005 modern era of Doctor Who, the show wasn’t that focused on time paradoxes. Yes, the Doctor has always been a time traveler, but the scrapes they’ve gotten into before the 21st century weren’t always connected to...

19 Years Later, ‘Doctor Who’ Brings Back Its Best Collaboration — For Potentially The Last Time

BBC Nineteen years ago, TV magic happened: Steven Moffat wrote his first Doctor Who story for showrunner Russell T Davies — a two-part episode called “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.” The episode, a World War II adventure which saw the Ninth Doctor (Christopher...