by sagesgroup | Oct 22, 2024 | Evolution, Health, homepage, hp-latest, Mind and Body, reproductive health
Photo courtesy of James Yu Humans are incredibly resilient. We have found ways to thrive in the most extreme of environments. Take the Tibetan Plateau, an area with altitudes ranging from 12,000 to 15,000 feet. Despite the oxygen-poor environment, people living sagesgroup | May 20, 2024 | Animals, Biology, Environment, Evolution, knowable-magazine, Syndicated
— Christian Vogt / 500px/500px/Getty Images If you puncture the ovary of a wasp called Microplitis demolitor, viruses squirt out in vast quantities, shimmering like iridescent blue toothpaste. “It’s very beautiful and just amazing that there’s so much virus made sagesgroup | Apr 28, 2024 | Animals, Biology, Evolution, homepage, hp-latest, Pet science.
— VICUSCHKA/Moment/Getty Images First-time cat owners often receive the advice to install a cat tree for their new pets. Before long, their cats’ satisfaction has cat parents installing carpet-lined shelves and climbing poles for their feline friends. But why do sagesgroup | Jun 22, 2023 | Art, Evolution, History, homepage, hp-latest, Science
Ancient human cave art is, plain and simple, really freaking cool. While it’s a record of their existence that researchers can accurately date back thousands of years, it also speaks to our early ancestors’ cognitive abilities and what we might even call culture. sagesgroup | Jun 14, 2023 | Biology, Evolution, History, homepage, hp-latest, Science, Science discovery
There’s some news about everyone’s favorite great-great-great-great-great-(etc.) aunt, Lucy. Also known as AL 288-1 and Dinkinesh, our shared ancestor (or rather, 40 percent of her skeleton) was discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia. This female hominid sagesgroup | Mar 23, 2023 | Astronomy, Biology, Environment, Evolution, homepage, Life in Space, Space Science
Long before plants and animals existed, Earth was dominated by microscopic organisms called prokaryotes. They lived simple, single-celled lives, soaking up nutrients in the oceans billions of years ago. But Earth’s changing environment later gave rise to another type...