by sagesgroup | Aug 19, 2024 | adex-no-bid, Biology, Gut health, Health, hp-latest, knowable-magazine, Medicine, Mind and Body, Science, Syndicated
— OLEKSANDRA TROIAN/Moment/Getty Images You’ve probably heard of the microbiome — the hordes of bacteria and other tiny life forms that live in our guts. Well, it turns out those bacteria have viruses that exist in and around them — with important consequences sagesgroup | Aug 19, 2024 | Astronomy, homepage, knowable-magazine, NASA, Science, Space Science, Syndicated
— NASA/JPL/SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE The outer solar system is awash with liquid water. A briny ocean is concealed beneath the icy crust of Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa — with more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined. A subsurface sea on Saturn’s moon, sagesgroup | May 28, 2024 | Health, knowable-magazine, Mental Health, Psychology, Syndicated
— Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images It’s probably all too familiar. Against your best intentions, you find yourself reaching for a late-night snack again. You snap at a colleague who didn’t really say anything wrong. You find excuses so that your daily run becomes sagesgroup | May 20, 2024 | Animals, Biology, Environment, Evolution, knowable-magazine, Syndicated
— Christian Vogt / 500px/500px/Getty Images If you puncture the ovary of a wasp called Microplitis demolitor, viruses squirt out in vast quantities, shimmering like iridescent blue toothpaste. “It’s very beautiful and just amazing that there’s so much virus made sagesgroup | Apr 21, 2024 | adex-no-bid, Food, Gut health, Health, homepage, hp-latest, knowable-magazine, Medicine, Mind and Body, nutrition, Syndicated
— Bloomberg/Bloomberg/Getty Images Few drugs have achieved the stardom that semaglutide, marketed in the United States as Ozempic or Wegovy, has today. A synthetic, injectable version of an intestinal hormone, it is the flagship of a new category of drugs sagesgroup | Mar 25, 2024 | adex-no-bid, Drugs, Health, homepage, hp-latest, knowable-magazine, Marijuana, Medicine, Mind and Body, Science, Syndicated
— Albert Fertl/Moment/Getty Images When Oregon’s first psilocybin service center opened in June 2023, allowing those over 21 to take mind-altering mushrooms in a state-licensed facility, the psychedelic revival that had been unfolding over the past two decades entered...