by sagesgroup | Feb 18, 2024 | Entertainment, freelance, homepage, hp-latest, Marvel's Echo, Movies, opinion, personal mobility, TV Shows
Is it true progress if someone is left behind in the process? Modern media is attempting to be more inclusive by showing different perspectives and asking their audiences to be more open-minded. A point of contention in this ongoing discussion is the “ currently, sagesgroup | Jan 10, 2024 | Disney, Disney Plus, Entertainment, homepage, Inverse TV Reviews, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Echo, Superheroes, TV Shows
Echo was always going to be a risk. The series is a spinoff-from-a-spinoff, focusing on the breakout character from 2021’s largely forgettable Hawkeye series. It’s the shortest MCU TV series, with only five episodes released all at once. To add to that, entire sagesgroup | Jan 9, 2024 | Disney, Disney Plus, Entertainment, homepage, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Echo, Superheroes, TV Shows
— Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe is ringing in the new year with Echo, a gritty revenge story focused on brawler Maya Lopez, who Clint Barton met in Hawkeye. It looks like the MCU’s darkest series yet, and it introduces fans to Marvel’s new Spotlight...