by sagesgroup | Jan 27, 2023 | Entertainment, freelance, homepage, Horror Movies, Inverse Movie Reviews, Movies, Sundance
Ghost stories are one of mankind’s oldest traditions, and every culture has its ghosts. The Romans told ghost stories. Georgian-era Brits told ghost stories. Boy Scouts huddle around campfires, faces sticky with s’mores, and tell ghost stories. The movies still sagesgroup | Jan 26, 2023 | Entertainment, freelance, homepage, Horror Movies, Inverse Movie Reviews, Movies, Science Fiction Movies, Sundance
In Infinity Pool, Li Tolqa is paradise on Earth for the wealthy and depraved. For a hefty price, foreign visitors to an opulent island resort in this impoverished nation can lounge by the beach, dance the night away beneath strobing lights, and indulge in every sagesgroup | Jan 24, 2023 | Entertainment, freelance, homepage, Inverse Movie Reviews, Movies, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Movies, Sundance
After 10 minutes of terse politeness and stifling silence in Sofia Alaoui’s Animalia, the tension breaks with a needle-drop. Itto (Oumaïma Barid) is gloriously pregnant and left to her own devices by her husband Amine (Mehdi Dehbi) and his obliviously rich family. She...