An enormous macaque that’s going viral on Reddit might just give Knickers the giant Australian steer a run for its money. On Friday, a gif posted to the subreddit /r/WTF showed an obese macaque — so big its belly blankets its splayed legs — chowing down on leafy greens. Cute as the big boy is, the reason he got so fat is decidedly not.
Though the post, captioned simply “Macaque is huge,” just recently became popular, the macaque in the video is actually no stranger to the internet. He is “Uncle Fat,” who formerly lived in the wild areas near Bangkok, Thailand, and became obese after eating all the junk food and soda left behind by tourists. The video above shows Uncle Fat in 2016 in Bangkhunthian City before he was captured by wildlife officials in May 2017 and put on a strict diet — hence, the salad.
Read More… Viral Fat Macaque, “Uncle Fat,” Is Actually Much Better Off Now