by sagesgroup | Jan 26, 2025 | adex-light-bid, Elon Musk, Environment, Science, Space Science, SpaceX, Syndicated, The Conversation
Houston Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers/Hearst Newspapers/Getty Images If there is a leader in the aerospace industry, SpaceX is it. The company’s Crew Dragon and Cargo Dragon spacecrafts are the current go-to vehicles to deliver astronauts and supplies to sagesgroup | Jan 12, 2025 | adex-light-bid, homepage, NASA, Space Science, Syndicated, technology, The Conversation
Richard Krawiec / 500px/500px/Getty Images NASA’s upcoming Artemis II mission is slated to return astronauts to the Moon no sooner than April 2026. Astronauts were last on the Moon in 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission. Artemis II will utilize NASA’s Space sagesgroup | Dec 31, 2024 | adex-no-bid, homepage, NASA, Science, Space Science, Syndicated, technology, The Conversation
CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP/Getty Images In 2024, space exploration dazzled the world. NASA’s Europa Clipper began its journey to study Jupiter’s Moon Europa. SpaceX’s Starship achieved its first successful landing, a critical milestone for future deep space missions. sagesgroup | Dec 27, 2024 | Astronomy, Physics, Science, Space Science, Syndicated, The Conversation
Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Moment/Getty Images A physicist, a chemist, and a mathematician walk into a bar. It sounds like the start of a bad joke, but in my case, it was the start of an idea that could reshape how scientists think about the history of the Moon. The sagesgroup | Nov 9, 2024 | adex-no-bid, homepage, Innovation, JWST, NASA, Science, space, Space Science
Universal History Archive Recent data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) suggests that a planet orbiting a small, red star 35 light years away may have a thick, sulfurous atmosphere, fueled by constant volcanic eruptions. Other astronomers say it’s too soon sagesgroup | Nov 7, 2024 | homepage, hp-latest, Innovation, NASA, Science, Space Science
OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/Getty Images People in the northernmost states may have a chance to see auroras glowing in the northern sky tonight. A blob of electrically-charged gas burped out by the Sun over the weekend. It will brush past Earth’s magnetic field between 7 PM and...